Michael Anello

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Cocoa, Florida

Michael Anello is co-founder and vice president of DrupalEasy, a Drupal training and consulting firm based in Central Florida. Mike has been one of the main organizers of the Florida Drupal Users' Group and Florida DrupalCamps for over 13 years, is a member of the Drupal Community Working Group, and has also helped manage the Drupal Association's Community Cultivation Grants program.

Michael has been developing Drupal sites for over 15 years specializing in module development, theming, data migration, and general site-building with a strong focus on best practices and sustainable development. Michael is also the lead trainer and curriculum developer for DrupalEasy's intensive, 12-week, beginner-focused Drupal Career Online and the 90-hour Professional Module Development courses.

Michael is the author of "Professional Local Development with DDEV Explained".

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I understand exactly what you're saying, but in a large community, not all conversations can be monitored (or should be!) by individuals skilled in writing "genuine, thoughtful" comments in times of high emotions.

The nudges are pre-written with neutral language and are very clearly marked as such. I agree with you that when possible, "genuine, thoughtful" replies should be used, but this is not always possible.

Additionally, if a conversation is getting heated, a community member may not want to insert themselves into the conversation. In these cases, they can ask a neutral, third-party to post the nudge.

Nudges are not meant to replace "genuine, thoughtful" comments, only to provide an additional tool for community members to utilize.
