VM (Vicky) Brasseur

2564 points
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#opensource.com on Freenode IRC

VM (aka Vicky) spent most of her 20 years in the tech industry leading software development departments and teams, and providing technical management and leadership consulting for small and medium businesses. Now she leverages nearly 30 years of free and open source software experience and a strong business background to advise companies about free/open source, technology, community, business, and the intersections between them.

She is the author of Forge Your Future with Open Source, the first book to detail how to contribute to free and open source software projects. Think of it as the missing manual of open source contributions and community participation. The book is published by The Pragmatic Programmers and is now available at https://fossforge.com.

Vicky is the Vice President of the Open Source Initiative, a moderator and author for opensource.com, an author for Linux Journal, and a frequent and popular speaker at free/open source conferences and events. She's the proud winner of the Perl White Camel Award (2014) and the O’Reilly Open Source Award (2016). She blogs about free/open source, business, and technical management at {anonymous => 'hash'};.

Authored Content

Getting started with IRC

Recent years have shown a resurgence in online chat technology. From WhatsApp and SnapChat on mobile to Mattermost, Telegram, and Slack (among others) on all platforms, real…

An IRC quickstart guide

Connect with Opensource.com editors, community moderators, and writers on Freenode IRC in the #opensource.com channel. With the basic concepts of IRC under your belt, you're…

Authored Comments

Limiting the number of slides (to 10, for instance) is not advice I would give to a new presenter. It takes experience, practice, and skill to present well with only a limited number of slides like that.

Thank you, Don! It was easy to find great presenters at PyCon AU. The conf is bubbling over with lovely people.