Carolyn Fox

Authored Comments

Yes, absolutely publish open ebooks and branch out to disseminating the information to a wide audience. It's desperately needed.

Shawn - I have to agree with you. There's an overemphasis on Jobs. I much prefer Jim Henson :) who seemed to remain a child and wanted to spread peace and love to the world in a very creative, novel way.

The questions raised at the beginning of the article are sometimes asked by parents, particularly of 2e children (gifted and special needs). Creativity comes from seeing opportunities in novel ways and the need to reach out to others. If you read the biographies of people such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, or John Lennon (or many musical/artistic legends), there are commonalities between them. The creativity often comes overcoming adversity or recognizing a passion from within. It sometimes come from being under stress and recognizing the need to chart a new course rather than sticking to the old ways of doing things.

With Edison, his mother must have recognized the level of intensity and interest at awakening the genius - she withdrew him from school because she knew her son would not survive otherwise. This is why many parents are deciding to homeschool/unschool today - to awaken a child's natural curiosity, playfulness, help them find their passion/love in life, and see the world differently.

Of course, I wish the female authors and the Woman's Way of Knowing book were seen as watersheds to Bandura, Jung, Freud, Skinner, and other male psychologists, but until men and women recognize that we think and often operate differently I'm afraid we're kind of stuck.