Carolyn Fox

Authored Comments

Working memory is only one issue with ADHD. I say play the game and you will soon discover what the game is attempting to do.

I have to agree with you. I think Khan Academy and MIT OpenCourseWare will help revolutionize education as we know it. Noam Chomsky is now more accessible and available than he ever was.

The worldwide effects of MIT OpenCourseWare will be profound in the years to come. Generations of children who would otherwise not have been able to gain knowledge without physical access and availability to MIT can now do so. How many poor, Nepali girls with a passion for physics are now able to avail themselves to knowledge through MIT OpenCourseWare? What about Sugata Mitra's children through his Hole in the Wall project have studied molecular biology? How many exceptional or profoundly gifted children in this country and around the world are now benefitting from MIT OpenCourseWare? Every week I read about parents on Davidson's Gifted Forum on how they are using MIT OpenCourseWare and being homeschooled/unschooled or supplementing it with a public/private school education. How many children will return to a teacher-directed form of education once they get used to directing their own education through OER?