Aaron Wolf

165 points
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Portland, OR

Co-founder of Snowdrift.coop, a free/libre/open-focused sustainable patronage system in-the-works; music teacher and GNU/Linux music software advocate, personal music teaching site: Wolftune.com

Authored Comments

Your comment is a lie.

Your libertarian vs communism comment is completely off-base. Libertarianism does not ever think that freedom is a means to an end. Libertarianism focuses on freedom as a moral value in and of itself, which is why many of the active supporters of the free software movement are libertarian. Sure, RMS is not a libertarian, so obviously the free software movement is bigger than only libertarians. But to assert that free software is communist is simply nonsense, even if there are communists who support free software. Free software is quite factually supported by a wide range of political ideologies.