Aaron Wolf

165 points
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Portland, OR

Co-founder of Snowdrift.coop, a free/libre/open-focused sustainable patronage system in-the-works; music teacher and GNU/Linux music software advocate, personal music teaching site: Wolftune.com

Authored Comments

Indeed! And when this article was started at the beginning of the year, Tux Guitar was still questionable about its status with years of no updates. Thankfully, just recently Tux Guitar got the first major update in years and seems alive! The website and forum and other things still need cleaning from spam and other issues, but here's the website for anyone's reference: http://tuxguitar.com.ar/

As mentioned in other replies here, I think it makes little sense to recommend Ubuntu Studio on its own since the KXStudio repositories offer *far* better and more updated tools and options. Of course, it's works perfectly well to use Ubuntu Studio and add the KXStudio repositories to that!