Aaron Wolf

165 points
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Portland, OR

Co-founder of Snowdrift.coop, a free/libre/open-focused sustainable patronage system in-the-works; music teacher and GNU/Linux music software advocate, personal music teaching site: Wolftune.com

Authored Comments

The options I mentioned, KXStudio especially, would do well for you. It would be ideal if you have hardware that doesn't happen to have a conflict between audio/USB and networking (like my laptop has). The resources I linked at the end are the best place to ask questions, better than here in the comments on the article. Cheers!

Hi Jimmy, glad that Ubuntu Studio has worked well for you. However, it is really lacking and out-of-date on its own. You should keep your same Ubuntu Studio install but add the KXStudio repos to it and you will instantly get far better and updated collection of resources and tools without losing anything you already use and like.