
Authored Comments

Good article. I've been struggling with WFH for the past month. It was fun at first, but it began to get boring and lonely. I ended up being very inefficient and failed to finish my work on time. I tried to do the first point you listed above, which was to set up a schedule with a to-do list app.
Best decision ever. Softwares such as TickTick and Quire helped me out a lot. They would remind me the deadlines of my work tasks, and also remind me what I should be doing at that particular time.
Another point that you talked about above "Time for yourself" is also another thing I ended up working on. I kept trying to stuff my schedule at first, which made me burn out in a few weeks. I completely agree that we all need a bit of time for ourselves in order to keep moving forward.
Loved the tips!

Thanks for the tips!
I was wondering if you had any recommendations for apps that can help me out with my schedules or can make remote work easier?
So far, I've been using Quire ( quire.io ) and apple reminders to set up different schedules. Quire is for collaborating on projects with my coworkers and assign different tasks to individuals. I also use it for my daily schedule too. Reminders is for reminding myself to take breaks during tasks.
Do you have any particular software that you use?