The 2015 Open Source Yearbook is a community-contributed collection of the year's top open source projects, people, tools, and stories. (Also read the 2016 Open Source Yearbook.)
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What's inside the yearbook:
- 6 creative ways to use ownCloud—by Jos Poortvliet, ownCloud community manager
- 10 tools for visual effects in Linux with Kdenlive—by Seth Kenlon, independent multimedia artist, free culture advocate, and UNIX geek
- 6 useful LibreOffice extensions—by Italo Vignoli, founding member of The Document Foundation
- Top 5 open source community metrics to track—by Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona, co-founder of Bitergia
- 5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom—by Ben Nuttall, education developer advocate for the Raspberry Pi Foundation
- 8 books to make you a more open leader—by Bryan Behrenshausen, for The Open Organization
- 5 handy Drupal modules—by Michael E. Meyers, the VP of Developer Relations at Acquia
- Best Couple of 2015: tar and ssh—by David Both, Linux expert and enthusiast
- 3 open hardware projects for beginners—by Alicia Gibb, CEO of Lunchbox Electronics
- 10 helpful tools for a sys admin's toolbox—by Ben Cotton, support engineer group leader at Cycle Computing
- Top 10 open source projects of 2015—by Jen Wike Huger, an editor for Opensource.com
- 5 favorite 3D printing projects of 2015—by Harris Kenny, VP of Marketing at Aleph Objects
- Top 5 open source frameworks every application developer should know—by John Esposito, Editor-in-Chief at DZone
- Publisher's picks: 29 open source books for 2015—by Rikki Endsley, Community Manager at Opensource.com
- Diversity in open source highlights from 2015—by Cindy Pallares-Quezada, an Outreachy alumni
- Adafruit's best open source wearables of 2015—by Becky Stern, director of wearables at Adafruit
- 2015 was a good year for creating the world's 'missing maps' with OpenStreetMap—by Drishtie Patel, GIS Analyst and Missing Maps Project Coordinator at the American Red Cross
- 5 favorite open source Django packages—by Jeff Triplett, Frank Wiles, and Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Django contributors
- Facebook's top 5 open source projects of 2015—by Christine Abernathy, Developer Advocate on the Open Source team at Facebook
- 10 projects to fork in 2016—by Jason Baker, Opensource.com
- 10 cool tools from the Docker community—by Mano Marks, director of developer relations at Docker, Inc.
- 5 best open source games of 2015—by Robin Muilwijk, Internet and e-government advisor