How to avoid waste when writing code The more we can reduce waste in software development, the better off everyone will be.
What does the Open-Closed Principle mean for refactoring? Resolve the tension between protecting clients from unwanted changes and extending the capabilities of services.
Monitor your home's temperature and humidity with Raspberry Pis and Prometheus Instrument a Prometheus application with Python on Raspberry Pis to collect temperature sensor data.
5 hidden gems in Python 3 Python 3 improved upon Python 2 in many ways; here are some of the most notable.
Japan at a crossroads: How open organization principles aided the country's economic resurgence Why have some organizations successfully weathered recent economic shifts in Japan while others haven't? Openness could be the key.
How different programming languages read and write data Every programming language has a unique way of accomplishing a task; that's why there are so many languages to choose from.
Crucial lessons in building trust from a former FBI agent This book can help you build the trustful relationships on which your open organization depends.
Use XMLStarlet to parse XML in the Linux terminal Become an XML star with XMLStarlet, an XML toolkit for your terminal.
Use VS Code to develop in containers Create consistency to avoid problems when you have multiple developers working on the same project.
Open source sustainable cities, AI on Arduino, supply chain security, and more Get the latest news to know in this open source news roundup.