Koji is an open source build system. While many are familiar with Koji because of the Fedora Project's use of it, Koji is a generic system that is used by different groups…
Last week, the Iceland Constitutional Council, made up of 25 Icelandic citizens, presented a bill to their parliament outlining a new constitution. The bill contains 114…
My theme this week is organizational openness and transparency and today I'd like to highlight a fantastic example of an organization that has built a culture with openness at…
The date on the tombstone - September 15. Open gov that was shouted from the rooftops on Obama’s first day died last week with barely a whisper - far from the headlines. The…
This afternoon, First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at a White House event about the importance of supporting and retaining women and girls in STEM careers. “If we’re going to out…
Banned Books Week, held the last week of September each year since 1982, is an opportunity for libraries and bookstores to draw attention to censorship with challenged books…
We all know that government agencies are constantly under pressure to make their conversations with constituents measurable, and results-based to justify the investment. One…
Five months ago, HealthTap launched its public beta to help people share health information based not around symptoms or treatments, but around the individual. This week they…
A year ago today, we turned on the lights at opensource.com. Our hope a year ago was to create a place where people could gather to learn about and contribute to the growing…
Almost every time I’ve turned on the television in the past week, I've seen an ad for Google Chrome. What started earlier this year as a sprinkling of ads here in the United…
This year, MIT OpenCourseWare is celebrating its tenth anniversary. That's one full decade providing open access to more than 2,000 courses with course materials including…
In an important development last week, Open Document Format (ODF) version 1.2 was adopted as an OASIS standard after four years of hard work. And it was approved with a strong…