On September 4 - 6 the open source electronic health records community came together at the 2nd annual OSEHRA Summit and workshop, in Bethesda, Maryland. Day 1: tutorials on a…
Back in January, we launched our translation pilot for Open.Michigan, focusing on two video series for health education. We are thrilled to report that the translation…
A new Linux Foundation Collaborative Project has the potential to advance science through the use of open source software. The Linux Foundation announced this week that it is…
Clinovo is a Clinical Research Organization (CRO) that partners with life science companies to streamline their clinical trials. Their CTO Marc Desgrousilliers is managing the…
Tracing the career path of Dr. Kongkiat Kespechara is like reading a treasure map: there are twists and turns and surprises all along the way, but promises an unfolding bounty…
How the economics of open source make sense for large scale, national healthcare infrastructure projects. A recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical…