When the open source way starts finding its way to the likes of the pharmaceutical industry, it turns a few heads. A combination of free access and open data has started…
This article is based on a talk that Karen Sandler of the Software Freedom Law Center gave at LinuxCon 2010. Our software must be safe. It's in cars, voting machines…
The rising cost of development and research is making drug companies turn to each other for help. Rival companies that include Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Roche plan on sharing…
Dr. John D. Halamka, is Chief Information Officer of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a practicing emergency physician, and holds several other positions, which are…
Companies that are creating massive value typically aren’t building a better mousetrap. They’re not improving on existing technologies or simply adding new features. Instead…
Your old phone could make a big difference to a health worker in Africa. IntraHealth International, a public health nonprofit, is launching a partnership with Hope Phones and…