How-tos and tutorials

Contributors from a wide range of fields of expertise and backgrounds dive into various topics to bring you working guides to help you make, code, build, or teach others.

New guides and tips for OpenStack

Looking to learn something about OpenStack? You’re not alone. Fortunately, there are a ton of resources out there to get started. Hands on training courses, books, and of…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
June 30, 2015

How to digitize VHS tapes in Linux

I have dozens of VHS tapes recorded in some cases nearly 30 years ago. I wanted to digitize some of the content and share it with my children via YouTube. I have a digital…

8 new tutorials for success with OpenStack

OpenStack is undoubtedly a skill in hot demand. Whether you're a seasoned IT pro looking to leverage cloud technology in your organization, or just starting out in your career…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
April 24, 2015