We already have nice things, and other reasons not to write in-house ops tools Let's look at the pitfalls of writing in-house ops tools, the circumstances that justify it, and how to do it better.
Manage your OpenStack cloud with Ansible: Day two operations Automate upgrades, backups, and scaling with Ansible playbooks.
An introduction to Ansible Operators in Kubernetes The new Operator SDK makes it easy to create a Kubernetes controller to deploy and manage a service or application in a cluster.
5 alerting and visualization tools for sysadmins These open source tools help users understand system behavior and output, and provide alerts for potential problems.
Quiet log noise with Python and machine learning Logreduce saves debugging time by picking out anomalies from mountains of log data.
3 open source distributed tracing tools Find performance issues quickly with these tools, which provide a graphical view of what's happening across complex software systems.