Lee Carpenter

Authored Comments

Initially I was using Raspberry Pi 3Bs with 1GB of RAM. The worker nodes were fine. The master node was the one that suffered. I was using a standard bare metal Kubernetes install on those. I had things "working" but deploys and sometimes responses to kubectl would be incredibly slow and sometimes the deploys wouldn't work at all. I have a screenshot of where I ssh'd in to the master node. It had an uptime of 23 days, 913M of 969M memory used, and a load average of 117.08 92.24 73.08. :o I think the RAM issue was probably the source of the problems. A Raspberry Pi 4 setup with 4G RAM might be ok, but I haven't tried it. k3s has been working great on the 3Bs however.

@sgtrock, that seems odd. Send me a message on twitter (@elcarpie) if you have a twitter account, or reply with specifics in the comments of the YouTube video and I'll see if I can help.