Ruth Holloway

2063 points
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Houston, TX

Ruth Holloway has been a system administrator and software developer for a long, long time, getting her professional start on a VAX 11/780, way back when. She spent a lot of her career (so far) serving the technology needs of libraries, and has been a contributor since 2008 to the Koha open source library automation suite. Ruth is currently a Perl developer and project lead at Clearbuilt. You can find out more about Ruth's passions and career at her site. She's a mother, grandmother, wife, artist, public speaker, and mommy to the cutest little dog you'll ever meet.

Authored Comments

It's true! The community kind of collectively scoffed at the whole idea of Standards of Conduct for a while; a few folks seemed to think it would damp down the fun. But once it became clear that all it really does is enumerate "Don't be a jerk!" by explaining what is meant by that, the community moved along, and the increased attention to the "Don't be a jerk!" ethos has helped with some of the more outrageous characters.

Why, thank you, Mark! :D I'd love to make it over there some time!