Jason B (He/Him/His)

Authored Content

The Kilo OpenStack Summit in review

Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? Opensource.com is your source for what's happening right now in OpenStack, the open source cloud…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
November 11, 2014

Kicking off the Paris OpenStack Summit

Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? Opensource.com is your source for what's happening right now in OpenStack, the open source cloud…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
November 3, 2014

Authored Comments

I'll have to check it out. I've tried quite a few desktop IRC clients (ever since I got sick of mIRC in what, the late 90s?) through the years, and haven't really _loved_ any of them, but it's been a while since I've looked.

I'm actually particularly fond of Irssi these days.

Thanks. I considered including XMPP in this list. There are definitely some XMPP users out there, but the ambiguity around adoption of the protocol by some big names (AIM, then later Google Talk) leaves me feeling a little uncertain about its future (particularly for someone looking to switch from a modern client like Slack).

But for sure it's worth checking out!