Jason B (He/Him/His)

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And here's one more that came through my inbox recently that's worth a read: <a href="http://www.ravellosystems.com/blog/multi-node-openstack-rdo-icehouse-aws-ec2-google/">Multi-node OpenStack RDO IceHouse on AWS/EC2 and Google</a>.

Get your OpenStack cluster up and running on multiple nodes on virtualized hardware - a good option for folks wanting to try multinode without extra boxes sitting around, or to test configurations before live deployment.

Thanks for the feedback. My best response to the "why OpenStack" question would probably depend on whether you're looking for a technical, philosophical, or business-case answer. Perhaps this article from a few weeks ago ("<a href="https://opensource.com/life/14/4/why-open-infrastructure-matters">Why open infrastructure matters in the cloud</a>") speaks a little bit to why OpenStack stands out over a closed-source cloud management alternative, and why we're excited about it here at Opensource.com.