Jim Hall is an open source software advocate and developer, best known for usability testing in GNOME and as the founder + project coordinator of FreeDOS. At work, Jim is CEO of Hallmentum, an IT executive consulting company that provides hands-on IT Leadership training, workshops, and coaching.
Jim Hall
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Oops, that is my error when prepping this for an article. I moved the pages= definition down to where it gets used for the B sides (thought that would make it easier to read) but I forgot there's an echo statement at the start that references $pages, and a sleep command up above that sleeps for the number of seconds equal to the number of pages.
Sorry about that. Yes, the pages= definition should be at the top of the script.
That's a good link and reference to spinning down hard drives. In my case, I have quite a lot of free space in /home on my microSD card. Not mentioned in the article is a USB fob drive that's mounted as /backup that I use for other things.
Neither is particularly fast for writing huge amounts of data (like doing a full backup of my regular Linux desktop PC) but it's just fine for making a backup copy of a project folder, or storing some things that I wasn't ready to delete but didn't need to keep.