Jim Hall

Authored Content

Origin stories about Unix

Brian Kernighan, one of the original Unix gurus, shares his insights into the origins of Unix and its associated technology.

August 24, 2020

Authored Comments

Oops, that is my error when prepping this for an article. I moved the pages= definition down to where it gets used for the B sides (thought that would make it easier to read) but I forgot there's an echo statement at the start that references $pages, and a sleep command up above that sleeps for the number of seconds equal to the number of pages.

Sorry about that. Yes, the pages= definition should be at the top of the script.

That's a good link and reference to spinning down hard drives. In my case, I have quite a lot of free space in /home on my microSD card. Not mentioned in the article is a USB fob drive that's mounted as /backup that I use for other things.

Neither is particularly fast for writing huge amounts of data (like doing a full backup of my regular Linux desktop PC) but it's just fine for making a backup copy of a project folder, or storing some things that I wasn't ready to delete but didn't need to keep.