Kevin Cole

547 points
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Washington DC

By day, a consultant for NOVA Web Development. By evening and weekend, he dons his costume (which looks remarkably like the jeans and T-shirts he normally wears), and goes out doing battle against the forces of proprietary software. He was the team contact for the Ubuntu DC "LoCo" and one of the hosts of the former OLPC Learning Club/Sugar Labs DC. (He has also served as a Red Hat Ambassador.)

Authored Comments

...thus proving you don't need to be a rocket scientist to learn Lin,.. Oh wait, "PhD in Astrophysics"... ;-)

I'm a bit surprised that in your field, computers weren't foisted upon you earlier. So, now are you the guy who goes helping his neighbors remove viruses by handing them a Linux CD?

Great story!

This year also featured the 3rd Education Summit, which, sadly, was not recorded. Alas. Some very good talks that day as well.