Michael Schulz

83 points
Profile picture of Michael Schulz
Redmond, WA

Michael first got involved with Linux in 1993 when the need for a real multi-tasking capable OS arose to run his BBS (Waffle BBS).
Having held various roles over the past 20 years at companies like Compaq, HP, IBM, and Microsoft he had the opportunity to help
many enterprises and government organizations understand the value and benefits of open source software and get involved with
various OSS communities in different forms. He's been a speaker at events like Linux World, OSCON, Guadec, and KDE Summit.
Michael likes to learn new things, is an Extra class licensed radio amateur (K5TRI), and loves to tinker with electronics and software
in general.

Authored Comments

Absolutely. It's a great idea. Having used Lynx/ Links eons ago, how does it handle Javascript though?
But even at a basic level simply trying to navigate the site via keyboard rather than mouse would probably be an eye opening experience for many web developers.