Heiko W. Rupp

1077 points
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Stuttgart, Germany

Heiko is a long time open source committer. He currently works for Red Hat on the topic of monitoring and management of server and softwares systems. Heiko has received a master in Computer Science from University of Karlsruhe and has written two books on JBoss AS and Enterprise Java Beans.

Authored Comments

Thank you Robin,
I meanwhile saw that Fritzing can also export Gerber files, so you are not limited to their Fab service, which probably makes it even more interesting for some people.

I think part of the deviation to sites like StackOverflow is that those make the contributor stand out: they get listed with their name (as it appears automatically below their post), they receive points and status upgrades on successful contributions.
And probably most important: they can just start writing (after registration) without any additional permissions - the (copy) editing is done afterwards by the community and the moderators.
The same applies for blog posts (except for the points).