Heiko W. Rupp

1077 points
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Stuttgart, Germany

Heiko is a long time open source committer. He currently works for Red Hat on the topic of monitoring and management of server and softwares systems. Heiko has received a master in Computer Science from University of Karlsruhe and has written two books on JBoss AS and Enterprise Java Beans.

Authored Comments

This is a good article and reminds us that success needs diversity.

I would even go a step further than your two personalities in the sense that you also need the less creative types. Those folks that love to go through bug reports and work on those as opposed to all the creative people that start a project, advance it to 80% status and then leave for the next thrill.

That is an interesting post, where I would like to see each individual point described at more detail, especially #2.

I also have a feeling that this whole article applies a lot to large(r) scale communities - are there any ideas from when on they make sense. Having online meetings with only the three usual suspects :) probably is different than in large groups.
Note: I am not implying this makes no sense for small communities.