Heiko W. Rupp

1077 points
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Stuttgart, Germany

Heiko is a long time open source committer. He currently works for Red Hat on the topic of monitoring and management of server and softwares systems. Heiko has received a master in Computer Science from University of Karlsruhe and has written two books on JBoss AS and Enterprise Java Beans.

Authored Comments

Thanks for posting this. I recently found out about Hugo and wanted to give it a try, so the article is right on time :)

One thing that is not really clear to me yet: can Hugo work in a "mixed" mode, where I have static content pages (bio, documentation, ... ) and also have a /blog/ section where my blogging would go?

Good read, thanks for sharing.
I guess(!) switching to a different tool (from the competition) is much easier when your primary job is not creating tools, but consulting people.

Do you think your experiment had ended differently if your team's task would have been to create said PBI tool and you found out about the other solution?