Robyn Hahn

Authored Comments

I'll provide a link:

That was my reality check. Men don't get it. Sifting carefully through your text - English isn't your first language, perhaps? - I don't think you see the problem women face as real.

I'm puzzled by this statement:
"We females should own the shit that forget about conferences"

Are you quite certain you are indeed female? You don't sound like any I talk to, and I work with them. It's in the tone.

Men suffer *pay* discrimination in the nursing field because we're in a predominately female-populated profession and women are paid less than men.
This disparity in pay is the same in the US and in Australia, where I now work.

I've been a nurse for 30 years in a number of disciplines, and never seen the sort of discrimination you're referring to. Not saying it doesn't exist, but I haven't seen it.

What I have seen a LOT of is this attitude as the prime result of male entitlement, the sort that blinds to the real issues, the sort I see reflected in your comments. I doubt you'll ever get it, though... that's a fact I've grown resigned to accepting as just the way it is, much like my female colleagues do.

That's just the way it is, mate.