Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

Very cool! I'd never heard of this, but it looks like a really nice little GPL OS for the Pi. Amazing; I can't wait to try it out, even though I have no need for actual realtime accuracy in a Pi...yet. I typically run my payload application as a systemd service on the Pi at boot time, and strip away most blatantly unnecessary services (dhcp, avahi, plymouth, a few others , I think), and that basically works for me, plus I get the benefit of the familiarity of Linux.

But I'll definitely check out ChibiOS just for fun, because it looks really cool and I imagine I'll eventually have a need for it. Thanks again for the tip, ardweebno!

I tried building OpenToonz on Linux. It looks like there might be some Linux-porting to do for the sound subsystem at least.

I haven't delved too far into the code to see how hard or easy it will be to port over the sound system, and I haven't had the chance to try to hack around in CMake to attempt a build without sound support. But otherwise, Qt5.5 and lots of other open source tech. Looks promising.