Tarus Balog

Authored Comments

I've owned two Dell XPS developer editions as my laptop of choice for the past five years. This latest one is the first laptop I've felt an emotional attachment to since I used to buy Macbooks.

The issue I have is that sometimes the touchpad/clickpad cursor jumps to the bottom left corner when clicking (I use two fingers). Still fighting with that but otherwise works fine. And yes, the 4.6 kernel is a must.

I found it really difficult when I started to work from home because I initially set up shop, naturally, in the room where we kept the computers. This was a spare room that we used for other things, including playing computer games, and I found myself working late into the night wondering "Can I go home now?".

Things got a lot better when I set up a dedicated "office" room. I would work set hours, like 7am to 7pm and then I'd leave. I wouldn't use the room for anything else (including eating lunch as was mentioned above) and found that helped a lot.