Steven Ellis

174 points
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Auckland NZ

Steven is an Open Source Advocate and Technologist working for Red Hat since they opened their New Zealand office in May 2011. Over the last 20+ year's he's helped numerous business see the benefit in adopting a wide range of Open Source technologies, and  has spoken at a number of regional and international conferences including OSDC,, OpenStack Summit, Linux World and OSCON.

In his spare time he still hacks on MythTV, and debugging random new bits of hardware that really should know better.

Follow him on Twitter at @StevensHat.

Authored Comments

I've got several older motherboards that still support BIOS updated via F2 or similar Hot Keys.

I've found a lot of UEFI based boards have removed this feature.

I remember hearing about Linux in my last year of University but I first tried it out playing with mkLinux on early 601 based PowerPC based Macs. I still love the fact I first ran Linux on an architecture other than x86. A couple of years later all our companies critical infrastructure and development tooling ran under Linux, and this was still in the 90s.

I've always loved the fact that Linux, and Open Source, provided a great way to solve end customer problems without the typical wait associated with proprietary technologies.

Today I'm thankful that for well over 10 years my primary work environment has been Linux based, and my personal home environment for well over 15 years.