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Jinja2 Cheat Sheet

Jinja2 is a web framework and language-agnostic templating language for Python. For many Python projects in need of a template language, Jinja2's easy API and accessible…

7 open source desktop tools

In this productivity guide, author Kevin Sonney provides tutorials for ;7 different open source desktop tools to cover the many aspects of work and life. Fill your toolbox…

Emacs cheat sheet

It's nearly impossible to remember every single Emacs shortcut there is to know. With this cheat sheet, you can familiarize yourself with the most common combinations so you…

Java cheat sheet

Java is a widely used object-oriented programming language. It runs in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), a layer that translates Java code into bytecode compatible with your…

pip cheat sheet

The pip packaging tool is used to interact with third-party Python packages. This cheat sheet covers the information you'll need to use pip efficiently, including: Terminology…

Microservices cheat sheet

This cheat sheet identifies key tools in the microservices ecosystem and the open source software options available to build out a microservices architecture, including the…