Learn the ins and outs of Internet Relay Chat (IRC), one of the most common ways open source communities collaborate and communicate.

An IRC quickstart guide

Connect with editors, community moderators, and writers on Freenode IRC in the channel. With the basic concepts of IRC under your belt, you're…

Top 4 open source IRC clients

Like a lot of people involved in the open source movement, though I use a variety of different tools for real time communications, I just can't seem to get away from IRC…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
November 5, 2015

What is your preferred chat platform?

Chat has changed a lot over the years. It plays a vital role in communicating and collaborating. I remember using ICQ—do you remember that annoying sound when someone messaged…

Should the naked ping be stopped?

The naked, unaswered ping. It might leave you wondering, what did that person want? Was it important? Why didn't they just ask me what they needed? If you use any type of…

Joining us on IRC

You may have noticed that when we have a webcast, we mention you can join us on IRC. You can also join us there any time. IRC is commonly used in developer communities, but it…