Ben Cotton

5063 points
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Lafayette, Indiana

Ben Cotton is a meteorologist by training, but weather makes a great hobby. Ben works as the Fedora Program Manager at Red Hat. He is the author of Program Management for Open Source Projects. Find him on Twitter (@FunnelFiasco) or at

Authored Comments

The focus on code above all else may be the biggest shortcoming of open source communities. Software is fundamentally about solving problems for people, but too often open source projects get caught up in code as the end instead of the means.

Just because a person is the sole developer on a project, that doesn't mean they can't be harassed (sexually or otherwise). Sole developers still interact with other people, be they users, upstream projects, downstream projects, conference attendees, etc. The lived experience of many women in FOSS disprove your "it's impossible" assertion because it has happened to them.