Ginny Hamilton

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Raleigh, NC

Ginny Hamilton was a community manager for, an online publication and community focused on how CIOs and IT leaders create business value through information technology. A former journalist, Ginny is passionate about local politics, journalism, technology, and social media. Follow her on Twitter for coverage of all those topics along with a healthy mix of cat photos.

Authored Comments

Thanks for sharing the link to the Library of Congress source. We pulled this from its Flickr account, which if you haven't checked out, is a fantastic resource and easy way to lose yourself on the Internet for hours.

Hi Joshua,
A Schoolhouse Rock-style video explaining OSS licensing would be a fantastic service to the open source community. Maybe if someone else doesn't produce one, we'll find time and resources to make one someday.

And you're right, it's definitely hard to give any sort of meaningful feedback in 140 charachters. I hadn't taken the time to notice that the beta site doesn't include a feedback form. Perhaps they'll add one once it's out of beta. It should definitely be easy to provide feedback for something like that.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Always good to get some perspective from others on the stories we write about.