Ginny Hamilton

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Raleigh, NC

Ginny Hamilton was a community manager for, an online publication and community focused on how CIOs and IT leaders create business value through information technology. A former journalist, Ginny is passionate about local politics, journalism, technology, and social media. Follow her on Twitter for coverage of all those topics along with a healthy mix of cat photos.

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Adrian: Such policies aren't designed for people that don't need need to be reminded. Rather, they exist to signal to people who need support that the conference has a policy and if you violate it, there will be consquences. While you personally may not have observed harassment at a conference (awesome), it unfortunately does happen. Scroll this this timeline of sexist incidents in geek communities for a few specific examples:

Awesome interview, Weston! Great questions. And Chris clearly has a good sense of humor, loved his twist on the definition of open source using hipster and paleo friends as examples. LOL.