Ginny Hamilton

2200 points
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Raleigh, NC

Ginny Hamilton was a community manager for, an online publication and community focused on how CIOs and IT leaders create business value through information technology. A former journalist, Ginny is passionate about local politics, journalism, technology, and social media. Follow her on Twitter for coverage of all those topics along with a healthy mix of cat photos.

Authored Comments

The contest is officially closed. Thank you everyone who entered. Tune in to the live judging of the entries during our Google On Air Hangout on August 5 at 3:00 p.m. EDT. You can watch the judging right here on the contest page:

That Venn diagram image is one of my favorites. Yes, it is refreshing to hear that the open source job market is doing so well. Good luck in your job hunt!

Definitely disappointing about The H. It's really hard to maintain an online publication, especially when/if you're bankrolling it with advertising. Hopefully everyone there will land on their feet.

Thanks for pointing out SysAdmins Appreciation Day!!!