Joshua Allen Holm

Authored Content

Authored Comments

Great suggestions, Scott. I really need to find the time to contribute to FLOSS manuals.

With the recent changes in the Fedora project (i.e. Workstation, Server, and Cloud variants), now is a great time to get involved and take an active role in shaping Fedora's future. Fedora 21 is already a very polished distro, but there is always more work to be done.

Brilliant article. It is a wonderful example of just how Creative Commons and the public domain enables creativity, not stifles it. Many of the commenters in the recent discussion about public domain day [1] should really read this article instead of dismissing everyone pro-public domain as being 'self-entitled', insisting that only 'original' creations have merit, or any of the other arguments put forth against works entering the public domain! Thanks, Hunter, for sharing the story of your creative endeavor.
