Joshua Allen Holm

Authored Comments

"Photographer Toni Frissell shows children how she edits photographs with the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)."

Haven't purchased anything yet. I'm way too cash strapped to be able to spend money on comic books on a regular basis, but my birthday is this week, so I was hoping to treat myself to the complete run of Mara. Unfortunately, it looks like issue #6 (it is a six issue limited series) has been delayed (again). And, like I stated above, searching for Mara on the site is far harder than it should be. It isn't even listed on the <a href="">"All series"</a> list (which might be why it doesn't show up in the search). I'll probably buy all six issues when issue 6 comes out. The only other comics I'm really reading right now are DC's Wonder Woman and Image's Chew and Saga. It amuses me greatly that the Wreath language, Blue, in Saga is Esperanto. But all three of those comics I read by getting the trades from my local public library.