James Farrell

669 points
James Farrell

I am a long time UNIX system administrator and open source advocate. In recent years my primary focus as been on Linux & FreeBSD systems administration, networking, telecom, and SAN/storage management. I love building infrastructure, tying systems together, creating processes, and bringing people together in support of their technical efforts.

When I can, I try to contribute back to the open source projects either with patches, or by helping others in technical support forums.

Authored Comments

I know ... it is a pain. Sometimes you can get a dedicated USB-C cable for your device, but often times I end up with loads of little adapters that I lose and then replace. The previous Mac I had with the built-in SD card slot was a lot more convenient.

Docking stations are a whole 'nother issue unless you are happy paying apples very high prices.

I used that for a while and still like it. I also used to "dd" the images directly to the detected device. For someone who's only interested in getting their Pi to work for the first time, I think the simplicity of selecting what you want and having the tool to everything else is very nice.