Jason B (He/Him/His)

Authored Content

A compilation of 7 new OpenStack tutorials

Getting started, learning more, or even just finding the solution to your particular problem within the OpenStack universe can be quite an undertaking. Whether you're a…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
February 26, 2016

7 new OpenStack guides and tips

Learning how to deploy and maintain OpenStack can be difficult, even for seasoned IT professionals. The number of things you must keep up with seems to grow every day…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
January 28, 2016

Authored Comments

I just happened across this interesting article on the topic of licensing and 3D printing today, thought I would share it here for anyone interested: http://michaelweinberg.org/post/150123246460/the-cost-of-a-successful-c…

I think every idea that I have that gets written down and involves more than three lines of text inevitably passes through a period in which it is written in Markdown, or at least, I give it a # header and some * bullets. I also tend to add *various* forms of _emphasis_ to things I write, whether or not it ever gets rendered into anything. If it gets long enough that I think it's becoming something that's more than a note to self or an email, and becomes something that I might publish, I almost always end up converting to HTML before it's even halfway done. Different people go through their creative process (which may or may not be different than procrastination) in different ways; for things I publish, my way always involves playing with the rendered output way before the text is fully written.