Jason B (He/Him/His)

Authored Content

Dispatches from the Tokyo OpenStack Summit

Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? Opensource.com is your source for news in OpenStack, the open source cloud infrastructure project. In…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
November 2, 2015

Getting ready for the OpenStack Tokyo Summit

Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? Opensource.com is your source for news in OpenStack, the open source cloud infrastructure project, in…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
October 26, 2015

3 steps to developing with Docker

Are you interested in using Docker to change the way you develop and package Linux applications? You're not alone. Docker, in a nutshell, is a low-overhead alternative to…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
October 22, 2015

Authored Comments

Thanks, updated!

Thanks, I think I had capacitive and resistive flipped in my head. I updated it to say "some" don't have capacitive touch, because in actuality, I haven't seen any data and probably shouldn't be making a claim about quantities. Good catch!