Jason B (He/Him/His)

Authored Content

5 must-watch Docker videos

When you're interested in learning a new technology, sometimes the best way is to watch it in action—or at the very least, to have someone explain it one-on-one. Unfortunately…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
May 1, 2015

8 new tutorials for success with OpenStack

OpenStack is undoubtedly a skill in hot demand. Whether you're a seasoned IT pro looking to leverage cloud technology in your organization, or just starting out in your career…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
April 24, 2015

Authored Comments

These are great resources, thanks for sharing!

I'm not sure exactly when I learned to program. I always have said it was when I picked up QBasic on my 486 when I was about 13, but that's really not true because 1) I had messed around with making minor changes to programs on Applesoft BASIC on my Apple IIc many years before that, but probably had no idea that that was "programming" and 2) I'm now 31 and I'm still "learning to program" -- because it's a journey that never really ends.