Jeff Mackanic

3984 points
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Raleigh, NC

Jeff Mackanic has been at Red Hat for more than nine years and is currently responsible for the creative services team at Red Hat. After several stints with varying levels of success at many e-commerce companies, Jeff became one of the original employees at Akopia, which delivered ecommerce solutions based on the Interchange platform. After Red Hat acquired Akopia, Jeff spent several years in Red Hat Consulting. Jeff has also worked in IT and marketing during his tenure at Red Hat.

Authored Comments

There is a new book about Google titled In The Plex by Stephen Levy. Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin both attended Montessori schools. Throughout the book the author makes strong connections between the Google culture and the Montessori education of the founders.

Hi Jamie:
The OGG is posted on the webcast series summary page: