Giuseppe Cassibba

Authored Comments

Hi jokre07,
your note is correct. Anymore, you must use a Windows PC to flash Raspberry PI OS and to remotely control a headless installation like the one I used (Raspberry PI has poor hardware, so avoiding Desktop environment help performances).
I prefer using windows because I don't know if OSSN has a directory for latest build, so downloading it from web page should assure having latest version

OK Jim. I suspect that following part is missing to your setup (from RPI terminal). Used your OSSN DB name, DB user and DB password instead of default ones, if modified in your installation:

sudo mysql -uroot -p
CREATE USER 'ossn_db_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ossn_db_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ossn_db.* TO 'ossn_db_user'@'localhost';
flush privileges;

- First line connect you to mysql terminal console. Default password is empty (so, simply press ENTER key).
- Second line create the user for OSSN (setted up only for local connection and with the defined password)
- Third line gives all permissions to your DB user only inside the created database
- Fourth line make these changes running (if you don't flush priviledges these will not be running/committed)
- Fifth line closes mysql terminal console

Let me know if this solves your issue