3 reasons to host a docathon for your open source project A marathon for documentation is a great way to produce or improve the docs for your open source project.
3 key open source challenges in developing countries Open source faces many struggles in developing countries that make how it's perceived and its associations inaccurate and out of touch.
Run a virtual conference using only open source tools Here's how to use open source tools to run your next virtual event.
5 open ways to help UX designers and developers collaborate better Designing with open decisions can help increase collaboration between user experience and dev teams.
Test your Drupal website with Cypress Testing makes everything better. Learn how to use Cypress for your Drupal website.
Retry your Python code until it fails Use the Tenacity and Mock libraries to find the bugs hiding deep within your code.
What's new in GNOME 44? The GNOME Linux desktop's latest release is now available. Find out about the new and improved Bluetooth, user interface, apps, and other features in GNOME 44.
C vs. Go: Comparing programming languages Use a simple counting program to compare the venerable C language with modern Go.
Learn Tcl/Tk and Wish with this simple game Here's an easy coding project to get you started with Tcl/Tk.
10 ways to celebrate Earth Day with open source Here's a roundup of our favorite articles about open source sustainability.
How I teach Python with open source tools Teaching Python to others is easy with these open source tools and techniques.
The future of the sharing business model Online platforms enable the sharing economy and create an entry point for developers.