5 Linux commands to check free disk space Keep track of disk utilization with this handy list of commands.
Migrate virtual machines to Kubernetes with this new tool Transition your virtualized workloads to Kubernetes with Forklift.
Build a static website with Eleventy Eleventy is a JavaScript-based alternative to Jekyll and Hugo for building static websites.
Try this new open source tool for data analytics Cube.js is an open source analytical platform that acts as a layer between data sources and applications.
Listen to music on FreeDOS Mplayer is an open source media player that's usually found on Linux, Windows, Mac, and DOS.
What is a CI/CD pipeline? How you define a continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline depends on your organization's requirements.
How I teach Python on the Raspberry Pi 400 at the public library After a long year of putting plans on hold, declining COVID case numbers in the United States are bringing back community-based programming courses.
How hypertext can establish application state in REST The Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State architectural style supports non-brittle, resilient systems that enable risk-free changes.
To nurture open leaders, managers must learn to let go Conventional managers and emerging leaders must work together to build open organizations. That requires respect, trust, and curiosity from everyone.