I’ve been lucky. My career has always involved open source software. My first serious introduction to open source software came with my first summer work-study job. I was…
How can understanding Linux enhance a career? This question is interesting because there are two drastically different answers. The first is the obvious answer that you can…
"Code is the next resume." These words by Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation tell profoundly about how our technology industry, and the many businesses…
It's certainly not news. We've talked before about how learning OpenStack is a great way to kickstart an IT career. But just how valuable is it? And if you want to make the…
If you read Opensource.com’s recent series of articles by young professionals about their exposure to the open source way, you’ll have noticed a common thread: open source is…
Online learning is becoming more prevalent, which means educators need easy to use tools for creating online learning materials. There are several closed source, commercial…
About eight years ago, I started lobbying to bring more Linux and open source software to high schools and higher IT vocational institutions in the Netherlands and Belgium…
Recently, the National Academy of Engineering announced fourteen Grand Engineering Challenges for the 21st century. Take a look, it’s a good list—promoting environmental…
Drupa l is a powerful and flexible open source content management system that powers a large number of sites on the Internet. Drupal's flexibility means that sites built with…
You've probably heard of MIT's OpenCourseWare program by now; or at least, you will have heard that some universities are offering versions of their courses online for free…
I suspect that many of your days in high school looked something like this: An adult teacher stands in the front of a square room, lecturing or drawing, with a flood of facts…
Teaching is called the noblest profession of all. When you teach somebody you give that person knowledge that they are going to use over a lifetime. As with any other…