The only Linux command you need to know The Linux cheat command is a utility to search for and display a list of example tasks you might do with a command.
How I got started with bash scripting With a few simple Google searches, a programming novice learned to write code that automates a previously tedious and time-consuming task.
Top 5 open source command shells for Linux There are two kinds of Linux users: the cautious and the adventurous. On one side is the user who almost reflexively tries out ever new option which hits the scene. They’ve…
How to program with Bash: Logical operators and shell expansions Learn about logical operators and shell expansions, in the second article in this three-part series on programming with Bash.
Migrate databases to Kubernetes using Konveyor Konveyor Tackle-DiVA-DOA helps database engineers easily migrate database servers to Kubernetes.
My favorite tricks for navigating the Linux terminal faster Make your day less hectic and speed up your work on the Linux command line with these tips.
What Git aliases are in your .bashrc? I asked our contributors for their favorite and most useful Git aliases so that you could take advantage of their ideas.
OpenGL bindings for Bash A project that started as a joke can be useful to people wanting to learn the concepts of OpenGL.
Bash vs. Python: Which language should you use? Both programming languages have pros and cons that make them better for some tasks than others.
My first impression of GNOME Console on Linux Console is GNOME desktop's new terminal emulator. Try it out for a fresh experience that has tight integration with the GNOME Desktop Environment.
Try this Bash script for large filesystems A simple script to list files, directories, executables, and links.