Want to increase your speed and productivity at the Linux desktop? There's maybe no faster trick to pick up than learning the keyboard shortcuts for common window management…
SELinux may seem complex at first, but with the right cheat sheet it can become a powerful ally for sysadmins. This guide is designed to help you to improve your skills…
If you need to extract data from files, or simply display data in a new way, you need a script. AWK is a scripting language that does exactly that in a straightforward way. It…
If your daily tasks include managing servers and the data center's network, the following Linux utilities and commands—from basic to advanced—will help make network management…
Like other text formatting systems, groff is built around macros. This flexibility means you can use the macro set best meets your needs to write your documents. A groff input…
What principles ground your organization's culture and drive its operations? And are those principles the ones best suited to solving the problems you're facing?
Just about every key and key combination can access a feature in Blender. This cheat sheet doesn't list every single one of those, that's been done. Instead, this cheat sheet…
Most people know SSH as a tool for remote login, which it is, but it can be used in many other ways. This cheat sheet by Ben Cotton provides common command-line options and…