Print from anywhere with CUPS on Linux Share your printer with the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS).
Write a guessing game in ncurses on Linux Use the flexibility and power of ncurses to create a guess-the-number game on Linux.
Position text on your screen in Linux with ncurses Use ncurses in Linux to place text at specific locations on the screen and enable more user-friendly interfaces.
Calculate date and time ranges in Groovy Use Groovy date and time to discover and display time increments.
Linux kernel modules we can't live without Open source enthusiasts weigh in on the Linux kernel modules they love.
Know your organization's rule makers and rule breakers By sensing and responding to an organization's cultural norms, open leaders can achieve a great deal.
How open source software shapes AI policy, open source comes to medical datasets, and more Get the latest news to know in this open source news roundup.
Use this open source tool for automated unit testing Tackle-test is an automatic generator of unit test cases for Java applications.
10 steps to more open, focused, and energizing meetings Constructing your meetings with open organization principles in mind can help you avoid wasted time, effort, and talent.