A stress-free guide to keeping WordPress sites updated This practical guide to a necessary task will show you how to maximize site performance and avoid bugs and other issues with regular updates.
How to make LibreOffice templates to save time Productivity pro-tip: Using LibreOffice templates is a major way to increase efficiency and aid in collaboration.
Setting yourself up for success while working remotely Whether you are new to working remotely or are a seasoned veteran, here are tips to improve the experience.
How open source can sustain your reading habits There are three types of books that are a must to grow your career in technology. Plus, three open source libraries to learn from.
Using LibreOffice for your open source budgeting tool Figure out where your money is going with this LibreOffice Calc budget template.
DevOps vs Agile: What's the difference? The difference between the two is what happens after development.
Basic kubectl and Helm commands for beginners Take a trip to the grocery store to shop for the commands you'll need to get started with these Kubernetes tools.
Use OpenTaxSolver as an open source alternative to TurboTax If you're a United States citizen, learn how to do your own state tax returns with OpenTaxSolver.
How to use HomeBank for your open source alternative to Quicken Get control of your finances with HomeBank without breaking the bank.
How learning Linux is our love language When a wife teaches a husband some new tech skills, they both learn a lot more than they expect.
My favorite Bash hacks Improve your productivity with aliases and other shortcuts for the things you forget too often.